As life moves behind the running world, we are just leading the life to breath .We never think about our end which is likely to happen a few years later. Life is full of dynamics, changing from one place to another. We acquire wealth but progressively we waste a lot out of it. 

 It is astonishing to hear  that most of the people in the world don’t have two  meals a day. Food wastage in the world accounts to about 1.3 billion tones a year. Wasted food and garbage gets piled up and becomes a breeding place for mosquitoes or other animals. Having a solution towards food wastage the easier method to manage food wastage from college canteens, wedding or other functions is to collect the excess food and distribute to the poor.  A big deal of global waste management accounts for 3% of greenhouse gas and half of it accounts for land fill . Absolutely, there will be relatively easy wins to solve this problem by startup and NGOs to segregate the waste management service from corporate and apartment complexes. Enticing marketing campaigns translate into more waste by impulse buying. To get control over the waste management, all the people at home to be part of this solution. Survey could be made to easily find out how much we are wasting daily, probably we could start waste reduction program which will create awareness among the people through media and newspaper.

We still live in isolated cocoons, but we must emerge from there to make this world a better living place for our future generations. Let us acknowledge the problem of waste management and control it to make this world a happier place.